Monday, September 9, 2013

Baby Bowen :)

We have officially spilled the beans about the baby! Baby Bowen will be here in March!!!!!!
We are really really REALLY excited! We have been taking a weekly bump picture with some updates on a chalkboard to keep our families in the loop. Now that it's not such a big secret I can post them on here in the future too instead of just texting them. haha Sorry for all the family/friends that had to keep the secret!
Never attempt to use a self timer when you have a hyper dog...James' dad saved the day on this one when we finally called him to come take this for us :)


first ultrasound, 7wks 6days
My response was "there really is a baby in there!!"

Yay for tiny bump! In person I just look like I eat a lot of doughnuts

So far everything has gone really smoothly. I get asked a lot about morning sickness. I was super nauseated from weeks 6-8 then it got better. As long as I eat right away in the morning, and eat a small something between meals I am good. Other than that, my back hurts easily and I get headaches quite a bit. I'm thankful for my awesome workout buddy and that I'm still going to kickboxing regularly. That's a plus! That baby is going to come out kicking! I hope when I'm like 30 weeks I'm still going...I'll let you know when to start laughing.  It was so neat to hear the heartbeat last week. I was also relieved to hear it to. It is so hard to go 4 weeks without knowing if everything is ok! First time pregnancy jitters I guess! In the future I will only post one pic at a time. These just got built up because we weren't telling everyone right away. I look forward to Wednesdays now so I can see myself if my body has changed any more than the last week. :) 

Oh and because bloopers are always the best...enjoy these. James and I attempting to take the first photo with a self timer...Penny is definitely giving us a taste of what it is probably like to have a 2 year old at times.

I'll hide back here

where am I suppose to look?


oh hey guys, what are you doing back there?


Coming soon:

Week 13 picture
Before/after/progress of our house
Pictures from summer

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