Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Camping trip!

Second post today! Trying not to get too far behind! I wanted to post some pictures from our camping trip we took 2 weekends ago. It was a fun, funny, cold time! James and I went to Land Between the Lakes in KY. We've had it reserved awhile and then the shutdown happened and closed the park. We didn't think we would be able to go but it opened up just in time! I had checked the weather on Wednesday that week...sunny, 70s. Sounded good. Well on the way there that Friday I decided to look again. I didn't think it would change THAT much in 2 days but apparently it did! "Oh crap James it's going to rain overnight...and be cold"...hahaha.
We get there in time to set up the tent before it got dark. Then we got firewood to make dinner and warm up. The firewood sucked. It was burning more like coals...just blackening and turning grey without actually flames. It was dark by then and we were cold and hungry. Luckily we had our coleman camping stove and made warm mac n cheese with our roasted hotdogs. James had originally rolled his eyes at all the blankets I packed for the trip, but in a few short hours he was very thankful for them. Normally James is hot, all the time..24/7. And I'm always cold. When James wears shorts, pants, 2 shirts, a hoodie, 4 blankets, plus our sleeping bags and is still's REALLY cold. It rained from sometime after midnight til 10 am.

 Penny was with us and woke me up at 4:30. She was cold too so we let her snuggle between us. I think it was like 48 degrees that morning.

After we got up and ate, Penny got the shivers! She was so pitiful and we felt kinda bad she was so cold :( 

Watching us play

When the rain stopped we got a much better fire going than the night before. We decided to eat more hotdogs and smores now in case we couldn't that night. 

She loves to pose 

The sun did come out so we explored the park and went fishing. We wanted to do their elk and bison prarie drive at sundown, but it just kept getting colder and more windy. It was going to get to 38-39 that night so I said forget that! We packed up before we did the elk and bison drive so we could go home after that. 

James big catch lol

And mine lol

the fishing dock we found was the only warm spot that wasn't super windy!

Pretty drive through the park

Can't go without a picture by the sign!

She's too good at this...or she was happy to be warm 

"Look away, I'm hideous" (Harry Potter movie quote :) )

Wild turkeys


Mom and baby

Really pretty!

Sun going down!

We had such a fun time even though we were cold! It was so nice to get away for even just a little bit! Anyone else camping in the cold? I think we need to start saving for a camper lol!!


Playing Catch Up! Weeks 18-20

Better late than never is a good phrase for this post! Did not realized I was so behind. My brain feels like a marshmallow lately so maybe that explains it. Here we go!

A lot has happened in the last 3 weeks!!! We found out we are having a baby BOY!!! I will do a separate post on finding out the gender when I get the pictures from it. A good friend of ours took photos for us at the party which was awesome because we didn't have to worry about trying to carry around a camera! In other news I can finally feel some movement going on inside. Not enough that James can feel it on the outside, but I can feel little Zeke rolling and twisting around inside. It's still hard for me to recognize yet but I know it will get stronger as he grows. Speaking of growing...the doc is guessing he may be a big boy because he is already measuring almost a week larger than YIKES? James thinks it's on the other hand is saying hey...I have to push this guy out!! We shall see how big he really gets though! I feel great and can't complain about anything pregnancy related so that is a huge blessing!! Healthy baby, healthy mommy! I can't wait to start working on the nursery!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

16 and 17 weeks

Today marks 17 weeks! I forgot to post 16 weeks so they are both here!

I can't really tell much of a difference when I look at these two pictures but boy do I feel one this week. I woke up Saturday morning and told James..."umm, my belly was not this big before I went to bed last night!" I super excited to actually notice change, but a little freaked out how much my body is going to change in the weeks ahead.

Right now I am super thankful for leggins. I've always been a fan, but now they are the best thing ever. I have several pair of jeans that still fit me but the fact that leggins don't push on my bladder is heaven on earth right now. I am also feeling really good lately. I can go days without feeling like a nap must happen or I won't make it through the day. I can't believe the difference in energy now compared to the first really does get better! I am also just so tickled the baby can hear us now! I bet he/she can recognize our voices. That would be neat! Our dog has never been a huge barker unless someone is at the door but I read that the noise actually startles the baby now....however, they get use to it and are more likely to be able to snooze right on through it once they are born. Good news!

This time Saturday I will be in Wisconsin with my sister in law for a belated wedding shower for her and TJ. I am thrilled we are flying instead of driving, and I am really really excited to see my family! James will be at home with dog-duty (haha) and starting a bathroom reno project. Can't wait for the weekend!!
